Tuoteryhmä: Bensamoottori
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The 675 EXi SERIES™ engine with 163 cc and 9.83 Nm gross torque combines powerful performance with new levels of ease of use. Easy to operate, easy to maintain and easy to start, the EXi SERIES delivers a new engine experience on just the most demanding work.
The EXi SERIES does not need regular oil changes, only occasional top-ups.
∙ ReadyStart®
∙ Just Check & Add technology, never change oil again.
∙ OHV technology
∙ Super Lo-Tone™ silencer
∙ Single-stage air filter (paper filter)
∙ Electronic ignition system
Äänenvaimennin |
Kyllä |
ccm |
163 |
Kampiakselin pituus, mm |
80 |
Kampiakselin tyyppi |
lieriömäinen |
Kampiakselin Ø mm |
22,20 |
Käynnistinkotelo |
Kyllä |
Kierrekampiakseli |
3/8-24 UNF |
Kiilaura, mm |
4.8 x 4.8 |
Merkki |
Mutteri |
pitkittäiskiilahylsy + 2 x puolikuukiila |
Polttoainetankki L |
1,0 |
Sylinterien määrä |
1 |
Vetoakseli |
vertikaali |