We firmly believe that we must not give up in this crisis situation in order to support our customers and to give our economy the best chance to recover after this crisis. We have made this decision in the knowledge that the livelihoods of our employees, our customers and their families depend on our continuing operations.
Therefore, ratioparts has decided to keep the plant open, whereby we will guarantee a maximum of security. We work under the strictest hygiene conditions both in our logistics building and in the administration building, which is physically separate from the ware house.
The company has introduced a number of measures to prevent and contain the spreading of the Covid-19 epidemic, such as the supply of sanitizing gel and detergents for the sanitation of work spaces and surfaces in addition to limiting access to common and meeting rooms. Precise rules of conduct, by which every employee is required to abide, have been posted for the whole company. Safety distances between workers are being respected in all areas of the plant, among other things also by the temporary reduction of the number of personnel on site through smart working and home office measures. Up to the present moment, the company has no evidence of employees with symptoms connected to Covid-19. Normal production activity will therefore continue, yet with all due precautions. If there are new government regulations, we will of course comply with them.
You can still contact us as usual by phone or e-mail.
Stay healthy!
Availability and delivery
Currently (as of today!) all products are in stock and available in sufficient quantities. In addition, we have not had any major breakdowns in our supply chain until now. All orders with our suppliers are on their way to us or already here and you are welcome to stock up on our products.