Termékkategória: Olajmegkötő anyag Hasonló cikkek keresése
Szövet-olajfelfogó lap 510 x 380 mm Termékszám: 1-485
Darab / csomag: 50 CSE: CSOMAG
  • Can be taken out singly.
  • Longitudinally perforated, extremely tear-resistant,
    lint-free non-woven fabric cloth.
  • 1 kg fabric absorbs up to 28 litres of oil. 50 pieces are 4.5 kg.
  • To absorb a wide range of industrial fluids such as:    nydrocarbons, cutting oil, coolant, hydraulic oil, solvents etc.
  • Usable as a working surface with a lint-free surface.
  • As a barrier to stop leaking liquids.
  • As a carpet to keep workplaces or corridors clean and slip-free.
  • Due to their very low weight and high absorption capacity, they considerably reduce your disposal costs.
  • You need 260 kg granulate for 200 litres of oil but only 8 kg of this oil binding cloths.



Méret cm

51 x 38


