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KASK is an Italian company specialised in the design, development and manufacture of high quality safety helmets. In every field of application, KASK helmets are at the forefront, whether for work safety or rescue, cycling, skiing, ski touring, mountaineering or climbing.
KASK Sunshade "Sombrero" HI VIZ orange
The Kask sunshield Sombrero is suitable for all Kask helmet models and protects face, neck and shoulders from dangerous sunlight. To avoid light reflections, the underside of the brim is black. The sombrero is fixed to the helmet by means of the holders for the headlamp.
∙ Washable at 30°.
∙ Colour orange
Manufacturer GPSR Article 19 (a) | KASK SPA, Via Firenze 5, 24060 Chiuduno, IT, |
Marca |