product categorie: Bodemadditief Zoeken naar soortgelijke artikelen
CHRYSAL Quick Composting 2.5 kg Artikelnummer: 25-4061
Stuks per VE: 1 VE: STUK

Chrysal organic rapid composter

Granules ready for spreading to actively support the natural decomposition of garden and kitchen waste into sustainably fertile garden compost.

∙ Premium quality
∙ produces a high-quality, nutrient-rich compost soil
∙ Activates the microorganisms
∙ Promotes earthworm activity
∙ Provides organic nutrients and naturally bound trace elements
∙ Fast effect, accelerates the rotting process
Dosage: Sprinkle 200 g per layer (approx. 1 m2) evenly. 1 handful corresponds to approx. 100 g
Use all year round from January to December

Declaration in accordance with the German Fertiliser Ordinance
Organic-mineral NPK fertiliser 4+3+4 using fertilisers, animal by-products of cat. 3 according to Regulation (EC) 1069/2009, plant substances from the food, luxury food and animal feed industries, clay minerals and potassium sulphate from vinasse processing.

4.0 % total nitrogen (N)
3.0 % total phosphate (P2O5)
1.9 % neutral ammonium citrate-soluble phosphate (P2O5)
4.0 % total potassium oxide (K2O)


200 g / m²

Inhoud in g


Inhoud in kg




Werkzame stof

NPK 4 + 3 + 4
