Detailed declaration of consent to participate in the PI Behavioral Assessment (BA)

If you agree to participate in the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) as part of your employment/application process, we will explain the data protection framework below:


The PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) offers a scientifically validated and over almost 70 years massively empirically confirmed assessment of a person with regard to the basic drives and their causal relationships. With the help of the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA), behavioural profiles of the individual employees or applicants are developed, which should provide information about the following behaviours of the employees or applicants of Ratioparts-Ersatzteile-Vertriebs GmbH:

    1. How employees/applicants make decisions
    2. How employees/applicants deal with uncertainty and change
    3. How employees/applicants connect us with other people
    4. How employees/applicants behave under pressure
    5. How employees/applicants solve problems
    6. What motivates employees/applicants
    7. What kind of tasks employees/applicants prefer

Intended use

The results of the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) serve the management to better understand the behavior of employees or applicants of Ratioparts-Ersatzteile-Vertriebs GmbH and thus to be able to make personnel strategy planning, personnel planning and personnel decisions in a well-founded way (e.g. in the personnel development process or in the applicant selection process).


By clicking to confirm, I agree to participate in the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) during my employment or hiring process. The assessment results will be used exclusively for the above-mentioned purpose. This declaration of consent supports my participation in personnel development processes and the application procedure. I am aware that participation can improve my opportunities as an employee or applicant. I can revoke my given consent at any time with effect for the future.

Data protection information regarding participation in the PI Behavioral assessment (BA) in accordance with Art. 13 GDPR

Controller of the data processing is

Ratioparts-Ersatzteile-Vertriebs GmbH

Barentsstrasse 17

53881 Euskirchen


Phone (general): +492251-650-0

Mail address (general):

The DPO can be reached as follows:

Digital Compliance Consulting GmbH

Phone: +49 2421 5559333

Mail address:

1.   Purpose of the processing:

Ratioparts Ersatzteile-Vertriebs GmbH processes personal data primarily based on Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with § 26 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act). According to this, the processing of data is permissible if it serves to establish, implement and terminate the employment relationship. In addition, we process personal data within the framework of the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a GDPR in conjunction with § 26 BDSG, insofar as the person concerned has given his or her consent to the processing of personal data relating to him or her for the aforementioned specific purpose.

2.   Legal basis of the processing:

The processing of data obtained from the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) is based on the explicite consent of the person(s) concerned and therefore in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a GDPR. In addition, the collection of aptitude data for assessing the employee or applicant for a specific job vacancy and for assessing personnel development processes is permitted, provided the collection is related to the requirements profile of the specific job and thus serves to protect the legitimate interests of the parties involved, Art. 6 (1) f GDPR.

3.   Categories of data processed

In the context of the PI Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) the following data are processed by Ratioparts-Ersatzteile-Vertriebs GmbH:

    - First name and surname

    - E-mail address (external or internal)

    - If necessary, the professional title

    - The result of the behavior assessment

    - The outcome of the cognitive assessment

4.   Categories of recipients of personal data:

Within the Group, access to the data processed in the assessment procedure and knowledge gained is only granted to those persons and bodies within the Group who need it to fulfil the processing purposes.

5.   Duration of the storage of personal data:

We delete the personal data from the assessment procedure as soon as they are no longer required for the above-mentioned purposes. Once the selection procedure has been completed and the vacant position has been filled, the personal data of applicants is only stored for as long as we are obliged to do so. As a rule, at the latest two months after receipt of the rejection by the applicant, the application documents are returned (in the case of applications sent by post) or the data processed for the application process is destroyed. If claims are made against us, the time for which personal data may be retained may be extended (e.g. §15 (4) AGG – Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz / German General Equal Treatment Act).

6.   Right of withdrawal with consent:

Consent to the processing of data within the scope of the assessment procedure can be withdrawn for the future at any time. The lawfulness of the data processing carried out based on the consent until the withdrawal is not affected by this.

7.   Rights of data subjects:

According to the basic data protection regulation you are entitled to the following rights:

    a. If your personal data is processed, you have the right to receive information about the data stored about you. (Art. 15 GDPR)

    b. If incorrect personal data are processed, you have the right to have them corrected (Art. 16 GDPR)

    c. If the legal requirements are met, you can request the deletion or restriction of the processing and lodge an objection to the processing (Artt. 17, 18, 21 GDPR)

    d. If you have consented to the processing of your data, or if a data processing contract exists and the data processing is carried out using automated procedures, you may have the right to data transferability. (Art. 20 GDPR)

If you wish to make use of these rights, please send your request to

We will then immediately check whether the legal requirements for your request are met. Furthermore, you have the right of appeal to the competent data protection supervisory authority. In North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) this is:

Supervisory Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia

PO Box 20 04 44

40102 Düsseldorf

Phone: 0211/38424-0

fax: 0211/3824-10

